Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Newsletter 2019

After marriage everything seems to be delineated relative to the wedding day. 

I have not only survived the first year of marriage but actually enjoyed it! Katharine has survived Africa. In some respects she is more African than me now :-) I suspect she now eats more biltong than me. She also cooks sadza and eats boerewors.  

Business was terrible this year. With the return of hyperinflation  https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1p58vAS4FL-JhCK_FhX0b9QSAwcdddtJP
my customer base is now impoverished. So I did not have any meaningful sales this year. Going forward there will be more focus on export promotion.  It is something I intended to pursue in due course but events of this year forced my hand to do it sooner.

With less business activity during the year there was more time for research and development. The concrete mixer took the lions’s share of the research and development effort. The concrete mixer is a tumble cooking apparatus that is designed to complement the Gwatamatic. https://youtu.be/VQfcs8yybQs https://youtu.be/VQfcs8yybQs
To catch a glimpse of how it works please visit  
 (you can safely ignore the mathematics later in that video). 

We were privileged to host my in-laws over the Easter holidays. https://youtu.be/kDnYeFcbXY4

Then I had an opportunity to introduce Kat to Johannesburg and part of my clan there. 
The final privilege of the year is spending Christmas with the Sutcliffes in Halifax, with Olde English fish and chips thrown in.  https://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1UiiYw70FMNKLsvALG5SUr5pRCF__NN0rhttps://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1EPy93dZAUh33I8fJ9-oMaUcG_GByQi5jhttps://drive.google.com/uc?export=view&id=1FTfW7C79kspoLiQI5f4WvKkCPUuCoc8L
My idea of heaven on earth!

Wish you all a good Christmas and New Year.

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